How Many Doors Are in The World

How Many Doors Are in The World: Although the exact number of doors in the world cannot be calculated precisely, we can make an estimate based on different categories and averages. Below is a table and detailed explanation of the calculation, followed by a FAQs section.

Estimated Number of Doors in the World by Category

CategoryGlobal Population/UnitsAverage Doors per UnitEstimated Total Doors
Residential Homes~2 billion homes6 doors per home12 billion
Apartments~1.2 billion apartments3 doors per apartment3.6 billion
Commercial Buildings~300 million buildings50 doors per building15 billion
Vehicles (Cars, Trucks, etc.)~1.5 billion vehicles4 doors per vehicle6 billion
Public Infrastructure (Schools, Hospitals, etc.)~500,000 large facilities200 doors per facility100 million
Industrial Buildings~10 million factories100 doors per building1 billion
Other (Gates, Elevators, etc.)MiscellaneousVariesApprox. 500 million
Total EstimateN/AN/A~38.2 billion

Detailed Explanation:

  1. Residential Homes: With an estimated 2 billion homes worldwide, each home typically has 6 doors (including exterior, interior, and closet doors), giving us about 12 billion doors.
  2. Apartments: There are approximately 1.2 billion apartment units globally, each with an average of 3 doors (main entrance, bedroom, bathroom), leading to roughly 3.6 billion doors.
  3. Commercial Buildings: Offices, malls, hotels, and other commercial properties often have a higher number of doors. With an estimated 300 million commercial buildings worldwide, each averaging 50 doors, we arrive at 15 billion doors in this category.
  4. Vehicles: There are roughly 1.5 billion vehicles worldwide, each with an average of 4 doors, giving us 6 billion doors in total for vehicles.
  5. Public Infrastructure: Schools, hospitals, and large public buildings have significantly more doors. With an estimated 500,000 large facilities, each containing approximately 200 doors, this adds 100 million doors.
  6. Industrial Buildings: Factories, warehouses, and industrial sites are typically large and contain a high number of doors (both exterior and interior). With around 10 million such buildings globally, the total number of doors here is about 1 billion.
  7. Miscellaneous: This includes gates, elevator doors, barn doors, and other types of door-like structures, contributing an additional estimated 500 million doors globally.


Can the exact number of doors in the world be calculated?No, it’s nearly impossible to calculate the exact number due to varying types of structures, homes, and buildings. However, estimates like the one provided offer a reasonable approximation.
What are the main factors affecting the number of doors?The number of doors is influenced by population growth, the number of residential and commercial buildings, vehicle ownership, and the infrastructure development in different countries.
Do vehicles count as part of the total number of doors?Yes, vehicle doors are included in the estimate. Cars, trucks, buses, and other forms of transport are significant contributors to the overall door count.
What qualifies as a door in these estimates?A door is defined as any hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a room, building, or vehicle. This includes interior and exterior doors, as well as closet doors, gates, and other forms of entrances.
Why do commercial buildings have so many doors?Commercial buildings often have more rooms, emergency exits, and larger areas requiring multiple entrances/exits, leading to a higher average number of doors compared to residential units.
Do revolving doors or gates count in these estimates?Yes, revolving doors and gates are considered doors for the purpose of this estimate as they serve as entry and exit points for buildings or spaces.
How often do new doors get added to the world’s total?The number of doors increases as new buildings are constructed, vehicles are manufactured, and infrastructure expands. Residential and commercial growth directly influences this count.

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